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  Language versions of PhpGedView homepage

You should keep in mind that the translated sites possibly don't reflect latest updates. So especially for lists of changes either the original english subpages could be used, or the translated version could be slightly out of date so you better have a look at the original english site for latest news.

In case a link is marked with a * that means that an original english page will be called and you should use your browser's "back" button, to get to your language version after visiting that link.

Please don't mix up the languages included in phpGedView and the translations of the home page mentioned here. PhpGedView currently supports many more languages than mentioned below. The language packages included in phpGedView itself are listed at the bottom of the first pages you reach with the following links.

  • English English (original) Homepage
  • Deutsch German Homepage (Peter Pluntke, Barbara Kleine)
  • Français French Homepage (Christophe Bouchet)
  Translating homepage to your language

Please contact yalnifj if you would like to provide a version of this homepage in your own language to make sure there's not somebody else who already started translating to the same language.

It is very helpful if you've already worked on translating the language files for the project as you would need many phrases in the way they are expressed in the laguage files to create a really helpful homepage.

Keep in mind that you should decide wisely if you prefer to link to original files in some cases (like readme.txt) instead of translating them (because translating would keep you busy in updating them regularly). Therefore you also have to know the place where the files will reside on the server (for correcting the links to original english files): The original english version is found at the root directory of "". For the different languages the following subfolders will be used: "/de" for german, "/es" for spanish and so on. So the same suffixes are used like in the "languages" directory of phpGedView. If you want to correct the link for the readme.txt file which is
<a href = "readme.txt"> in the english version, you should change it to
<a href = "../readme.txt"> to link to the original english readme.txt which lies one level up, oriented from any language folder "/xx".

To recapitulate you will either translate the file in your language's subfolder or you delete it there and link to the original file one level up. But as also the left navigation links will be shown in original english version (and also will only link to original english pages) you should mark links to an original english page and remind the user to use the "back" button of his browser afterwards to get back to his language version.

Also don't forget the links to the images in styleguide.html and to the header.png (that will save webspace and you don't need to copy identical images to every language's folder)

This languages.html probably doesn't need to be translated, as if you can read it and translate the whole page to your language the work is already done and nobody else needs to know how to do it ;-)

Please take care when using a wysiwyg editor because usually some styles etc. would get crumbled. So any simple text editor would be a good choice as well, assuming you only make changes to the text but not to HTML-tags.

So feel invited to donate your translation to phpGedView. There will be people helping you in the translations forum.

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